About me.


Hi, I’m Holly,

I’m a Coach, Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, and I work with men and women who want to shed limiting behaviours, conditions and beliefs in order to find freedom from whatever is holding them back, fulfil their potential, and become the person they came here to be, So that they can share their best selves and life-giving energy with the world, and enjoy their natural state of freedom and joy.

So how did I end up here? For as long as I can remember, I have been driven by the need to have an impact on other peoples’ lives. I felt it was not only my purpose for being on the planet, but my obligation. This drive led me to a Master’s degree in Peace & Conflict Resolution, and my first overseas leap to Singapore, where I worked for a think-tank working on issues of human rights and peace-building. However, over the next few years, while I was theoretically on the exact track I had worked towards because I thought it would allow me to impact communities on the widest possible scale, I didn’t feel connected to what I was doing. I started to realise that I had been living completely in my head, and that it wasn’t going to give me the contentment or impact I was seeking. I was cognitively figuring out ‘what I should be doing’ (to be honest, out of a fear that I wouldn’t find it), and my soul didn’t feel alive. I wasn’t energised, and I didn’t feel overly connected to what I was doing or myself. Anxiety, severe at times, was a pretty constant companion through my teens and into my 20s, until (in hindsight) I essentially used my own form of CBT and overcame it completely.

I knew that if I wanted to have a positive impact, it had to start with myself. I had to begin with finding what my soul truly loved and desired to do. I made a very conscious decision at that point to find my purpose and follow whatever crumbs arose that felt genuine because I trusted they would take me there.

Fast forward a few years, and I had just sold a business I had built. I had what felt like an epiphany while on holiday in Bali: coaching. I started to reconnect with my soul instead of figuring things out cognitively. I started to feel a deep sense of connection and one-ness with the Universe, and pure joy like I’d never experienced before. All sorts of amazing synchronicities started to occur. I manifested my dream job within a matter of days and was flown straight back to Bali to live. But then, the Resistance hit. With a Capital R.

I felt I had finally found my calling, reconnected with my soul, my passions, and my talents and yet, I felt like I was wading through mud. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t seem to make ground on my dream. (To give you an idea, at the time of the ‘epiphany’, ‘coaching’ was nowhere near as widespread as it has become in recent years). I had always been a high achiever, but now I just. felt. stuck. The shame, guilt, and frustration set in, and it stayed for a long time. (*Now I understand that I was quite literally “stuck in a (neural) rut”*).


I became determined to figure out my way past this Resistance, so that I could help others around me - who I saw facing the same challenges - to do the same.

As I came towards the end of an ICF-accredited life coaching certification, and started coaching in practice, I quickly realised (if my own experience wasn’t already enough to convince me), that even with the tools I had gained, just how difficult it was to help clients truly change limiting behaviours and habits, even when they were deeply committed to change. The limiting behaviours always seemed to creep back in to sabotage the goals and intentions that had been set during a mood of excitement and commitment. I knew that there had to be a more sustainable way of helping clients move forward and truly leave their limiting habits and situations behind.

When I eventually came across the role of hypnotherapy I felt optimistic, and when I mistakenly stumbled across this thing called ‘RTT’, I went down a rabbit hole of research and quickly realised this was exactly what I had been looking for – something that could truly help clients by dealing with the actual problem – the clients’ hidden beliefs that were driving their habits. I enrolled in the program under Marisa Peer, and I now know in the core of my being that I have the ultimate toolbox for helping clients to shed their limiting beliefs and behaviours so they too can embrace who they are and live the life that is their purpose. And in doing so, I also get to live out mine.

My approach with my clients.

I am invested in helping as many people as possible shed the limiting beliefs and behaviours that they have collected along their journeys (and no longer need to carry), in order to live the life they truly want to live. I am intuitive and empathetic, however I am driven by problem-solving, I can be quite to-the-point, and I love collaborating with people who are committed to finding their ‘more’. I can dig (sometimes a little more than people may be used to), honesty is one of my highest values, and I believe putting in the extra work when it comes to something you really want.

It would be an honour to help you gain the understanding, freedom and fulfilment that is rightfully yours.

In a few short paragraphs…


Hailing from the hinterland around Byron Bay, Australia, before it was the tourist mecca that it is today, I feel most myself barefoot by the ocean or driving through the lush countryside, stopping at farm stalls that dot the back roads to collect organic farm produce and fresh flowers. I am energised by business and entrepreneurship, and inspired by impact, creativity, and altruism. I am a proud mother to a one-year-old girl, who is my greatest joy, and I am an unashamed world

wanderer and lover of adventure, having lived as an expat so far in Singapore, Bali and France. I know too-well the negative and limiting way our subconscious programs can hold us back and keep us playing small, in disempowering relationships, and shying away from our true self and our highest potential. It’s my mission to help as many people as possible to align with their true, authentic selves - and in doing so, get on their own path to purpose, freedom and joy.


Values that define me…




I believe at my core that everyone has a purpose, and that it is our responsibility to find and live this purpose. While I do believe this is closely linked to a calling (whatever it is that expresses our unique desires, skills and passions), it is bigger than this. It is about being who we were put here to be, which I believe we are all connected to deep down, even if we lose sight along the way.




I have unequivocal faith in the Universe, that everything is energy, and that you can have and create anything you desire. I believe when we are connected to infinite intelligence, and when we have coherence of mind and heart/emotion, we are powerful co-creators of our reality. I also tend to believe that every problem has a solution. Every single one.




Exploration and adventure is my life force. Seeing, experiencing, and living new things inspires me, it energises me, and I naturally seek it out wherever I am, whether it’s wandering the streets of a new city coffee-in-hand, or visiting a different cafe in my local neighbourhood. Put simply, exploring is my joy.

