Uncover your Purpose

Uncover your unique purpose, release what’s stopping you from moving forward, and create a clear plan for your next steps.

You know you have a purpose, and you’re ready to have the meaningful impact you were designed for.

But given your online search brought you to my little home on the web (of the billions of websites you could have landed on), I’m guessing that you’re struggling with connecting with it. You know there’s ‘more’ out there for you, but you’re unable to connect with it or make it happen.

If so, you’re in the right place.

I have the tools to help you uncover and release your purpose from within.

In Uncover Your Purpose, my signature, 8-week, 1:1 program combining powerful coaching and deep subconscious exploration and reprogramming sessions, you will uncover your unique purpose, identify and release what would stop you from moving forward, and get clear on your path forward.

You are here with a unique purpose, something that was planted within you with a consciousness that wants to express itself through you, a way you’re designed to serve and contribute AND in the process, to find your highest joy.

It’s time to come home to yourself. To start living as the person you know you are deep down, having the impact that you were created for.

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."

— Pablo Picasso


UYP is the right fit for you if:

⟶ You know you have a purpose, but you’re struggling to connect with it.

⟶ You’ve been seeking guidance on finding your purpose (whether through books, podcasts, journalling, meditation or others), but still feel uncertain.

⟶ Despite past achievements, you never really felt like you ‘owned’ the achievements or that they were your highest possible expression.

⟶ You feel a deep urge to release more of your true self into the world.

⟶ You long for a fulfilling life full of deep meaning and purpose.

⟶ Not being clear on your greater purpose is causing you some anxiety, fears or self-doubt.

⟶ You are committed to doing the inner and outer work - part of this program involves looking at some deeply ingrained subconscious beliefs and programs, and potentially unresolved traumas, so a desire to go deep as well as a willingness to truly self-reflect (in order to be liberated to move forward) is a must! As is the desire to step out of your comfort zone and start taking aligned action.


Here’s what we’ll cover:

Note, this is the general outline of Uncover Your Purpose, however, given it is a 1:1 program, I may intuitively adapt the order of topics covered, and may even consider new topics, based on your particular situation, goals and needs.


We will start with a 90-minute clarity session, where we’ll start getting really clear on who you are. Not the conditioned you, not the shoulds or woulds, but the real YOU. You’ll fully understand what your highest, core values are (serving as a compass to guide you for the rest of your life), who you are, what lights you up, and have a clear visual of your future self.


In week two, we will revisit your child self, to remember and reconnect with your passions and your purpose, before your natural talents, drive and impulses were clouded over by conditioning and limiting subconscious programming. This one is powerful! Through the modality of RTT, in a highly relaxed state of hypnosis, you will get a whole new understanding into your true self and uncover the exact ‘why’ that you were put here with.


In week three, you will craft your own personal vision statement. How are you going to bring your unique purpose to life? Now that you have set and declared your intentions, we will also start to explore what could have the power to hold you back. Everyone has limiting beliefs, many of which are totally beyond our daily conscious awareness. Bringing them to your awareness is the first critical step in being able to release yourself from them.


In week four, you will have a chance to let what you have learnt and processed really sink in, and integrate. You will have self-work to complete via a workbook, that will help solidify this new awareness of yourself and your unique purpose, and you will continue listening daily to your personalised hypnosis recording.


In this powerful 2-2.5 hour RTT session, you will be guided to dialogue direct with your subconscious mind in order to gain complete clarity on the core wound/limiting subconscious program that has been unconsciously - and would otherwise continue to sabotage you - in moving forward, and to be able to release this old programming forever. The awareness and shifts that you will gain from this session will be yours to keep for the rest of your life.


As you will have now seen very clearly, we hold deeply programmed stories about ourselves, the world, and our place in it, that are unconsciously guiding our thoughts, our behaviours and inevitably, the outcomes we’re getting. In this week, you will reflect on the subconscious beliefs and limiting stories that you have uncovered, and consciously choose the stories you want instead to hold about yourself - and begin to adopt - as this new version of you.


It’s been several weeks since your final RTT session, and you will be starting to notice some shifts in how you are thinking and feeling. This week, you will have a workbook to help you bring these shifts to your conscious awareness (so that you can build on them), and you will continue listening to your customised subconscious reprogramming audio to continue to release any self-imposed limits.


We’ve come a long way since just 8 weeks ago! Now you’re going to bring it all together, and having brought to light and started to release the old self-limiting programs, you’re going to create and anchor in your unique vision for your future so that you can begin to manifest (co-create) this reality into existence. You’ll finish this week feeling completely clear on your path forward, with a step-by-step plan for your next steps.

In 8 weeks you will…


This could be as broad as an overarching theme related to how you are uniquely designed to impact and operate in the world (a philosophy), or as specific as a job/business/role that will fulfil your deeper purpose at this point in your life. But you will uncover your purpose, and create your unique vision for how you will bring it to life.


Clear the core subconscious blockages that have been stopping you from moving forward: the subconscious programs, beliefs, unresolved traumas and unconscious defence mechanisms that have been preventing you from aligning with your true nature and higher purpose.



Hey, I’m Holly! Trained Prof. Life Coach (NLP) (ICF), Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner, and Certified Hypnotherapist. 

And if I know anything, it’s the internal conflict of not knowing your purpose - but knowing deep within that you have one.

Since I was a young child, I knew in my core that life, and every one of us, was so much more sacred than just getting any old job, the ‘white-picket-fence’ life even, and going through the motions of life. Given you’re here, I assume you feel the same way, and you’re probably trying to find a way to start living your ‘more’.

I struggled for years to connect in with that part of myself. In short, I finally cracked the code. I got out of the conditioning and limitations in my head, connected with my actual essence, and began to dismantle the limiting subconscious beliefs that were stopping me from pursuing what I knew to be my purpose.

I know without a doubt that it’s my purpose to help you uncover yours (uncover, because it’s always been within you), embrace your authentic self, find joy while having the impact you were designed for, and live in alignment with your highest potential. The world was designed to benefit from whatever it is that you were uniquely put here to bring it!

Practical Details:

What’s included?

2 x powerful RTT (subconscious) sessions (1.5 - 2.5 hours each)

4 x expansive coaching calls (90 mins initial, 60 mins ongoing)

2 x personalised hypnosis audios to begin reprogramming your subconscious mind

Workbooks and homework

Email access and accountability for two months


Introductory, limited time offer:

$1,997 AUD

*You may request a two-part payment plan.

How does it work?



I work with clients by application only, to ensure that I can provide every single client the appropriate time, and energetic investment from my side, AND also importantly, to ensure that every client I work with is 100% committed to the process. Once you’ve applied, you’ll be invited to schedule in a quick 20-minute call.



When we meet for our initial 20-minute call, you’ll have the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have, we’ll discuss mutual availabilities for our calls, and if it feels like the right fit for both of us, you’ll be invited to confirm your spot and will be sent a calendar invite to schedule in your first onboarding session! Exciting!



Get ready to get to know yourself on a whole new level, uncover your purpose, clarify your vision, and release and reprogram the subconscious beliefs, behaviours and patterns that would get in the way of becoming an energetic match to embodying your purpose.


  • In my experience, every single person has something planted within them that is trying to get out into the world, related to offering some form of ‘service’ to others. By service, this absolutely does not necessarily (or even usually) mean ‘charitable’ ventures, though of course it will be for some people! Writing, entertaining, educating on a certain topic, helping families find their ideal home, creating delicious food, designing beautiful or functional items, helping others find balance, inspiring individuals to live healthier lives, sharing a particular talent or skill, and helping others find joy or laughter are all just examples of countless expressions of purpose. Your purpose may be as broad as an overarching theme related to the what + how you are designed to impact the world (a philosophy), or as specific as a job/business/role that will fulfil your higher purpose at this point in your life. Everyone has been planted with a unique purpose, something that will also naturally bring them their highest joy. It doesn’t need to be sought out, found, or figured out, it’s already within you, and just needs to be uncovered and for you to know at a deep level, that it is safe to express it.

  • UYP is the only program I personally know of that combines coaching alongside deep subconscious exploration via the modality of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). Rather than relying on the conscious mind to speculate and theoretically try to ‘figure out’ what your higher purpose is (which let’s be honest, hasn’t worked so far), UYP incorporates two RTT sessions, in which you will connect with the subconscious mind, the seat of the soul, and your inner knowing. One of these sessions is designed to gather information from your subconscious on your purpose and what lights up your soul, and the second session is designed to reveal and release the primary limiting subconscious belief/s that would stop you from moving onto your path of purpose.

  • I work with high-achieving individuals who are committed to their growth and evolution, ready to step out of old unsupportive patterns, and take action towards their goals.

    This program is not for everyone. While it is a coaching program, it also incorporates deep inner work through several Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) sessions, through which you will have the opportunity to connect with your inner child and to communicate directly with the subconscious mind in order to hear and connect with your higher, true self and to release the subconscious programs that are no longer serving you. The rewards that lie on the other side for those that are ready to go deep however, are truly worth it and for those committed to the process, it can be life-changing.

  • RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) is an innovative, neuroscience-backed method that draws on elements of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), inner child work, and parts work, all rolled up into one 2-2.5 hour session to identify, reframe and rewrite lifelong limiting beliefs, release conditioning holding you back, and understand and begin to heal the childhood wounds and unmet needs that are keeping you from embodying your authentic self. It really has to be experienced in order to fully understand the wisdom that your subconscious mind holds for helping you to move on from the challenges keeping you from your true potential. Bonus, it is also the PERFECT tool for helping you to retrieve the wisdom that your subconscious mind already holds on your unique purpose, what lights you up, and why you’re here

  • Yes. UYP includes 4 coaching calls, alongside 2 RTT sessions, which utilise hypnosis. There is nothing unusual or mysterious about hypnosis, in fact you are probably often in a hypnotic state, such as when absorbed in a great movie or driving on auto-pilot. Yet, hypnosis allows us to dialogue direct with the all-knowing subconscious mind, so that we can access pure, true information, in order to help you understand your true, authentic self and to reveal and release limitations that have previously been unconscious.

  • Hypnosis is not magic - it’s simple science. It works by creating a burst of brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM. That’s what allows you to access the subconscious mind. It’s very easy and anyone can do it. For most people, it will simply feel like a heightened state of relaxation - and for all, a heightened state of awareness.

  • Yes! I intend for this to be offered as a group program in the future. If you would like to get on the waitlist, please contact me here and I will add you.

  • Yes! A retreat is on the cards for 2024 (destination TBC; either the east coast of Australia or Asia). The retreat will combine group RTT sessions to uncover your purpose and get complete clarity on your direction, as well as deep healing and integration work through hypnosis, RTT, inner child work, parts work, NLP, and more. Not to mention the healing and energising power of deep connection with the other retreat participants, and the rare chance to fully connect in with your authentic self sans the distractions of daily life. If you would like to sign up for email updates once the first retreat launches, please contact me here or send an email to (subject ‘retreat’) and I will add you to the list.

  • Yes, I will aim to accommodate all timezones to the best of my ability. Submit your application if you would like to apply, and we can discuss mutual availabilities on our 20-minute call.

  • Yes, due to the up-and-down nature of the USD : AUD exchange rate of late, I am happy to offer Australian-based clients an AUD rate. Please just send me a message/email.

  • Yes, I offer a small percentage of scholarships, based on level of commitment, current financial situation, and motivation. If you are truly unable to invest in this program in any way at the moment, please contact me here or simply send an email to, with the subject UYP Scholarship, and I will send you a link to apply.

Still have questions?

Book in a time for a 20-minute chat!